Turtle Inch Apps

Sleep Sound Mixer HQ 2.30
Turtle Inch
Sleep Sound Mixer HQ is a clean and simpletouse sound machine with high quality relaxing sounds to help youoryour baby drift peacefully to sleep.Create your own custom mix and relax with this beautifullysimplesound machine.Sleep Sound Mixer HQ features 20 high quality sounds that canbemixed together easily for your own personalrelaxingexperience.This app was inspired by a dad wanting to help his newbornsonget to sleep (so that Mom and Dad could get some sleep too).Theheartbeat sound has been the most useful for us to help himrelaxand fall asleep. If you have also found this app helpful, wewouldlove to hear about it. Leave your story in the review commentsorsend us an email.Includes 20 sounds that can be mixed at differentvolumelevels:- Heartbeat- Thunderstorm- Creaky Wooden Ship- Spring Peepers- White Noise- Turbulent Ocean- Cicadas and Frogs- Ocean Waves- Baby Swing- Cat Purr- Electromagnetic Clock- Fireplace- Flowing Stream- Music Box (Brahms Lullaby)- Gentle Rain- Singing Birds- Snoring- Tawny Owls- Vacuum Cleaner- Walking Through SnowFeature requests, suggestions and bugs can be submittedfromwithin the app.-----According to The Harvard Women’s Health Watch, here aresixreasons it is important to get enough sleep:- Learning and memory: Sleep helps the brain commitnewinformation to memory through a process calledmemoryconsolidation. In studies, people who’d slept after learninga taskdid better on tests later.- Metabolism and weight: Chronic sleep deprivation maycauseweight gain by affecting the way our bodies process andstorecarbohydrates, and by altering levels of hormones that affectourappetite.- Safety: Sleep debt contributes to a greater tendency tofallasleep during the daytime. These lapses may cause fallsandmistakes such as medical errors, air traffic mishaps, androadaccidents.- Mood: Sleep loss may result in irritability,impatience,inability to concentrate, and moodiness. Too littlesleep can alsoleave you too tired to do the things you like todo.- Cardiovascular health: Serious sleep disorders have beenlinkedto hypertension, increased stress hormone levels, andirregularheartbeat.- Disease: Sleep deprivation alters immune function,includingthe activity of the body’s killer cells. Keeping up withsleep mayalso help fight cancer.